Family Portrait 歌詞

歌手名 Pink

專輯名 Other Song...

Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh

Momma please stop cryin, I can’t stand the sound

Your pain is painful and it’s tearin’ me down

I hear glasses breakin as I sit up in my bed

I told God you didn’t mean those nasty things you


You fight about money, bout me and my brother

And this I come home to, this is my shelter

It ain’t easy growin up in world war iii

Never knowin what love could be, you’ll see

I don’t want love to destroy me like it has done

My family

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do anything

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


Daddy please stop yellin, I can’t stand the sound

Make mama stop cryin, cuz I need you around

My mama she loves you, no matter what she says

Its true

I know that she hurts you, but remember I love

You, too

I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away

Don’t wanna go back to that place, but don’t have

No choice, no way

It ain’t easy growin up in world war iii

Never knowin what love could be, well I’ve seen

I don’t want love to destroy me like it did my


Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do anything

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


In our family portrait, we look pretty happy

Let’s play pretend, let’s act like it comes


I don’t wanna have to split the holidays

I don’t want two addresses

I don’t want a step-brother anyways

And I don’t want my mom to have to change her

Last name

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

Let’s play pretend, act like it goes naturally

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

(I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

Let’s play pretend act and like it comes so


(I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

(I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Turn around please

Remember that the night you left you took my

Shining star?

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Don’t leave us here alone

Mom will be nicer

I’ll be so much better, I’ll tell my brother

Oh, I won’t spill the milk at dinner

I’ll be so much better, I’ll do everything right

I’ll be your little girl forever

I’ll go to sleep at night

近凌晨時刻,被遠處傳來哭泣的小女孩的哭聲跟母親無助的哭喊驚醒,一陣一陣傳來的啜泣聲不斷地撕裂掉我的心,為什麼人會殘忍地去傷害最親近的人? 憎恨著自己的無能為力。想起學生時代在路口打工,看見一個爸爸無情地拖罵著不到四歲小女孩,看著小女孩恐懼的眼神,整個心都揪了起來,要衝過去叫父親住手,被阻止了叫我少管閒事,還記得那時對自己無能為力的無奈感,站在路口時,眼淚不自覺地滴,長得那麼可愛的小女孩,怎麼會有人能忍心地粗暴地對待她。最近在看"事發的19分鐘",一本讓我心情沉重的書,書中所提的親子關係失常與家庭暴力問題,尖銳地揭露出人性底層的醜陋讓我不斷地心寒。越發察覺自己的幸福,出生以來的生活是多麼幸福,被安全的環境保護好好的,不用去面對生存的掙扎,還有多餘時間去無病生吟,為作新詩強添愁。


突然間也想起在20初歲那年,接連著在病房照顧親 人的經驗,不懂事的我總懷著害怕,害怕自己一不小心,親人的生命有了危機,那時在ICU也看見好多重病的人,對我的生命產生無比的衝擊,也記得那時的我常常體力不支睡著,醒來後對自己的譴責,靠著不斷地吸收健康資訊、不斷要求自己提升細心敏感度,希望可以把親人照顧妥當、舒適,經歷了曾祖母、外公、友人的友人、姨婆婆的幾次喪禮,想起學生時代自己修生死學時對自己浪漫喪禮的規劃,不由得笑出來,呵呵,那時天真可愛的我。 想起學生時代弟弟同學的自殺消息傳來,對一個年輕生命的隕歿也讓我在宿舍哭了整晚,近幾年,周圍朋友生病消息傳來,是老了嘛? 想起好多事,打著打著眼眶又紅了,覺得人真得好渺小,對於大自然與上蒼的尊敬油然而生,想起李P以前常跟我說的,重要的是把這世的人生修好,做好,不要計較那麼多,真得很謝謝李P包容壞脾氣的我,在我剛步入社會時給我很多的指引,如同阿姨一樣,將剛烈個性的我引導方向,給我愛與溫暖,生命中總是遇過很多貴人,如同家人一樣,給我愛與照顧,沒有他們,我想我是不可能只靠自己走到現在,看見那麼多偉大、謙虛的先輩,自己也希望能跟他們學習,一隻手照顧自己,一隻照顧別人,謝謝夜半的哭泣聲,讓我想起好多事只是真的不忍看見任何一個孩子哭泣、懷有恐懼、沒有希望地過人生。 ~祈願每個 孩子 都能有個小天使在左右提燈照亮他們人生路~Why ?

Family Portrait 歌詞

歌手名 Pink

專輯名 Other Song...

Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh

Momma please stop cryin, I can’t stand the sound

Your pain is painful and it’s tearin’ me down

I hear glasses breakin as I sit up in my bed

I told God you didn’t mean those nasty things you


You fight about money, bout me and my brother

And this I come home to, this is my shelter

It ain’t easy growin up in world war iii

Never knowin what love could be, you’ll see

I don’t want love to destroy me like it has done

My family

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do anything

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


Daddy please stop yellin, I can’t stand the sound

Make mama stop cryin, cuz I need you around

My mama she loves you, no matter what she says

Its true

I know that she hurts you, but remember I love

You, too

I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away

Don’t wanna go back to that place, but don’t have

No choice, no way

It ain’t easy growin up in world war iii

Never knowin what love could be, well I’ve seen

I don’t want love to destroy me like it did my


Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do anything

Can we work it out? can we be a family?

I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


In our family portrait, we look pretty happy

Let’s play pretend, let’s act like it comes


I don’t wanna have to split the holidays

I don’t want two addresses

I don’t want a step-brother anyways

And I don’t want my mom to have to change her

Last name

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

Let’s play pretend, act like it goes naturally

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

(I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

Let’s play pretend act and like it comes so


(I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(can we work it out? can we be a family? )

We look pretty normal, let’s go back to that

(I promise I’ll be better, daddy please don’t


Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Turn around please

Remember that the night you left you took my

Shining star?

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Daddy don’t leave

Don’t leave us here alone

Mom will be nicer

I’ll be so much better, I’ll tell my brother

Oh, I won’t spill the milk at dinner

I’ll be so much better, I’ll do everything right

I’ll be your little girl forever

I’ll go to sleep at night

近凌晨時刻,被遠處傳來哭泣的小女孩的哭聲跟母親無助的哭喊驚醒,一陣一陣傳來的啜泣聲不斷地撕裂掉我的心,為什麼人會殘忍地去傷害最親近的人? 憎恨著自己的無能為力。想起學生時代在路口打工,看見一個爸爸無情地拖罵著不到四歲小女孩,看著小女孩恐懼的眼神,整個心都揪了起來,要衝過去叫父親住手,被阻止了叫我少管閒事,還記得那時對自己無能為力的無奈感,站在路口時,眼淚不自覺地滴,長得那麼可愛的小女孩,怎麼會有人能忍心地粗暴地對待她。最近在看"事發的19分鐘",一本讓我心情沉重的書,書中所提的親子關係失常與家庭暴力問題,尖銳地揭露出人性底層的醜陋讓我不斷地心寒。越發察覺自己的幸福,出生以來的生活是多麼幸福,被安全的環境保護好好的,不用去面對生存的掙扎,還有多餘時間去無病生吟,為作新詩強添愁。


突然間也想起在20初歲那年,接連著在病房照顧親 人的經驗,不懂事的我總懷著害怕,害怕自己一不小心,親人的生命有了危機,那時在ICU也看見好多重病的人,對我的生命產生無比的衝擊,也記得那時的我常常體力不支睡著,醒來後對自己的譴責,靠著不斷地吸收健康資訊、不斷要求自己提升細心敏感度,希望可以把親人照顧妥當、舒適,經歷了曾祖母、外公、友人的友人、姨婆婆的幾次喪禮,想起學生時代自己修生死學時對自己浪漫喪禮的規劃,不由得笑出來,呵呵,那時天真可愛的我。 想起學生時代弟弟同學的自殺消息傳來,對一個年輕生命的隕歿也讓我在宿舍哭了整晚,近幾年,周圍朋友生病消息傳來,是老了嘛? 想起好多事,打著打著眼眶又紅了,覺得人真得好渺小,對於大自然與上蒼的尊敬油然而生,想起李P以前常跟我說的,重要的是把這世的人生修好,做好,不要計較那麼多,真得很謝謝李P包容壞脾氣的我,在我剛步入社會時給我很多的指引,如同阿姨一樣,將剛烈個性的我引導方向,給我愛與溫暖,生命中總是遇過很多貴人,如同家人一樣,給我愛與照顧,沒有他們,我想我是不可能只靠自己走到現在,看見那麼多偉大、謙虛的先輩,自己也希望能跟他們學習,一隻手照顧自己,一隻照顧別人,謝謝夜半的哭泣聲,讓我想起好多事只是真的不忍看見任何一個孩子哭泣、懷有恐懼、沒有希望地過人生。 ~祈願每個 孩子 都能有個小天使在左右提燈照亮他們人生路~2008年4月21日 下午 11:38

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